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Healthy Home Habits

​​As some of us settle into our new working from home routines, we are becoming familiar with the advantages and disadvantages. Among the latter is the occasional connection issue, children yelling “mommy I need to…” in the background and of course, the constant snacking.

For those of us who have set up monitors in the kitchen… we know how close that pantry and fridge is.

We wanted to give you some tips on maintaining healthy habits while working remotely.

1. Take breaks

Schedule breaks into your calendar as a reminder. Go for a walk, exercise, calling family and friends, or catch up on Tiger King over lunch – all these things will help break up the day and create an at-home routine.

2. Stick to a meal schedule

Aside from planned breaks, plan your snack and meal schedule to avoid snacking too much. We know the chip bag is all too close and already opened, forget it. None of us was to experience those freshman 15… again…

3. Drink lots of water

Keep a water bottle next to you while you work. Drinking water throughout the day will keep you energized and make you feel full (and keep you from constantly snacking). According to the Mayo Clinic​, on average men need 3.7 liters and women need 2.7 liters of water daily. So, get on it!

4. Have a designated work space

Having a proper setup to work at is key for comfort and focus while working. Try to set up an area away from the kitchen and/or distractions. If you have a home office, great! If you don’t, ensure your workspace is ergonomically friendly wherever you are.

Any other tips you’ve learned along the way? Add them in the comments below.

One suggestion we’ve heard is wearing jeans on Friday.

If you’re like Jerry Seinfield and wearing no pants while working from home, consider wearing your favourite pair of jeans on Fridays. It’s always good to do a check to ensure your favourite pair of jeans still fit.